Sunday, November 23, 2008

To the Chapel of Light

Joshua Young
The Chapel of Light.
It is a narrative journey of youth through the South, to the West in search of a Camera that they have to turn off by destorying it. This is a couple excerpts from it:

a poet comes to my door with snakes wrapped around his arms and says he's gonna pull a
fiddle from the throat of a sparrow, no one believes him, and his friends-another poet-
makes everything worse and keeps saying, "i like it when a camera stops outside the door
like this & just waits a moment, listens."

then, he tries to pull an organ from the speakers of the stereo.

the poet says, rubbing the snakes wrapped around his arms, "that's not what we came
her for." and so, the friend of the poet closes his eyes, and opens his mouth to speak, but
the words sound like mud sliding off a roof.

he clears hi throat and waits a moment.

and then, he starts talking about the camera.

Another segment, my favorite is this:

where should we go?

first things first, climb down off that soap box and look him in the eye when you speak
about things he never really wanted to hear. finger out the rust stuck between you teeth
and cut your losses at the ankles. it's the only way you'll ever convince anyone that you
should be where you're trying to stand. it's all a joke anyway, cause no one gives a fuck
enought to really say otherwise, so no matter what soap box you climb off of, there's still
another one waiting, like a step...

This is going to become a project for The Braille Tapes, in which we will record a record to accompany the poem, and shoot a film that goes with both.

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