Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Stranger Article and other news

The Stranger wrote an article about Lines and Blood, Alek and Caleb, but it was less about Lines and Blood and more about why Caleb and Alek live in Bellingham and what their goals are for Bham film scene. Its a nice article, so check it out.

In other news. Do You See Colors...has begun pre production. The script is done, we have casted our two main characters, which will be played by Sage Price (the twins) and Sean Frazier (Christian). Christians' part was actually written for Stefanie Warmouth (Nate and Natalie) and the character's name was Kate, but she is too busy to commit, and Joshua has been trying to convince Caleb to change the script for a year now, and finally he talked Caleb into it. Basically we feel that it is a more interesting idea to have a gay couple (engaged) and when one twin passes away, the other twin - who is not gay begins an affair with Christian, two years later, on a road trip to spread the ashes of his twin. Michael just wants to find and learn about a part of Jonathan that they never knew before, and Christian wants to pretend that Michael is Jonathan. So, we are excited and are going to start the rest of casting very soon.... we will keep you updated with any info.
