Sunday, November 30, 2008

Union Street

Hello all,
Jonathan Thompson, Chris Koser and Caleb Young all worked on a short film, Union Street, this weekend Friday and Saturday. Friday ended up being a bust. The car broke down, which put the day back a few hours, and by the time everything was set and ready to go, the light was escaping quickly, and since the street was not shut down on Friday the atmosphere did not seem great for the film. So friday night, over pizza, Jonathan, Chris and Caleb walked through the script and storyboards and set a very tight schedule to shoot all content of the script on Saturday from 8-4 (the only hours that there is good light), and added up to almost 40 setups, including a car crash, cop cars blocking streets, gun shots, blood, a bullet shattering a window - not to mention the large amount a rain that poured all day. It was big undertaking, but after a slow start waiting for the light that did not seem to want to come in the morning, and including a lunch break - all 40 setups were shot, and shot well in 7 hours.
There are so many thank you , but it has to be said that all the extras, photographers, crew, friends, actors (with great attitudes) and technical advisors had a lot patience with the production and weather, and excitement about the film. It could have been a distaster with the weather and technical coordination of certain elemenst, but everyone had a great attitude and it went on very smoothly. So thank you all. It was a blast. And it should be fun to watch.

Monday, November 24, 2008


From Crackle: Gunfights

Gunfights is a rural drama about how the presence of a baby affects the relationships of friends and family in a small town.

A Lines and Blood Film

Written and Directed by John Everett Allis

Cinematography and Editing by Caleb Young

In Post Production - Currently

Sunday, November 23, 2008


For LAB Films we have several projects in the works, and some upcoming work that we will be doing soon.
Feller - This will be written by Caleb, Joshua, and Patrick Dizney.
Do You See Colors When You Close Your Eyes - Written and Directed by Caleb and Joshua

Those are LABS two main focuses right now, along with some others, and some post work.

Gunfights is in Post, and has been for a while. There are a lot of personal issues - not between the filmmakers, but other avenues in life - that has prevented time. What's left is a good Color Correction, and a good sound mix. Though the movie is in final cut stage and just needs a bit of technical tweaking. We are very happy with the final product, though it is different than our original conception of it.

Short Ends is done, but also in Post because we are doing it as a feature, which we be finished by Caleb (who has final cut) and the score by our very own Barry Uhl. The episodes are done by Alek, and he is busting his ass on each episode.

Afraid to Merge is out a its last batch of festivals, and will be premiered in Bellingham for a small group of family, friends, cast and crew. And will be release with Colors, and There, when those projects are completed.

Speaking of There, it is being recut so Caleb and Cameron will finally be happy with it. They are about a quater way down with the rough cut, and really happy so far.

Other upcoming project include, Caleb and Cameron experimental short on film, called TYPE. It's half way done being shot. Jon Bowden's first episode of mini-series MAYTAG. And Caleb is helping out on Koser and Thompson newest project, which should be a lot of fun.

One last note, The Braille Tapes should be going into the studio during December to record ROBOT MEAT IS MURDER, and soon after the graphic novel, and film we begin to be worked on.
That's about it right now.
Love you - BYE

To the Chapel of Light

Joshua Young
The Chapel of Light.
It is a narrative journey of youth through the South, to the West in search of a Camera that they have to turn off by destorying it. This is a couple excerpts from it:

a poet comes to my door with snakes wrapped around his arms and says he's gonna pull a
fiddle from the throat of a sparrow, no one believes him, and his friends-another poet-
makes everything worse and keeps saying, "i like it when a camera stops outside the door
like this & just waits a moment, listens."

then, he tries to pull an organ from the speakers of the stereo.

the poet says, rubbing the snakes wrapped around his arms, "that's not what we came
her for." and so, the friend of the poet closes his eyes, and opens his mouth to speak, but
the words sound like mud sliding off a roof.

he clears hi throat and waits a moment.

and then, he starts talking about the camera.

Another segment, my favorite is this:

where should we go?

first things first, climb down off that soap box and look him in the eye when you speak
about things he never really wanted to hear. finger out the rust stuck between you teeth
and cut your losses at the ankles. it's the only way you'll ever convince anyone that you
should be where you're trying to stand. it's all a joke anyway, cause no one gives a fuck
enought to really say otherwise, so no matter what soap box you climb off of, there's still
another one waiting, like a step...

This is going to become a project for The Braille Tapes, in which we will record a record to accompany the poem, and shoot a film that goes with both.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Afraid to Merge

From Crackle: Afraid to Merge

Afraid to Merge is the first film in a thematic trilogy about disconnection.

A Lines and Blood Film

Written and Directed by Caleb and Joshua Young.

Cinematography and Editing by Cameron Currier and Caleb Young

Official Selection: True West Cinema Festival - 2008